revised: Customer process laser welding in the Welding & Cutting sector

Laser Welding

For narrow and deep weld penetration at high welding speeds with low heat input and warping.


Laser welding is a relatively young joining process and uses a focussed laser beam as a heat source. The high energy density of the laser beam leads to narrow and deep weld penetration at high welding speeds with low heat input and warping.


Contactless operation ensures almost wear-free tool use. Laser welding is used for nearly all metallic construction materials. Depending on the energy density there is a difference between heat conduction welding and deep welding. Carbon dioxide-, solid state-, or diode- lasers are used as beam sources.  

revised: Application technology laser welding in the Welding & Cutting sector

Laser Welding Gases

For narrow and deep weld penetration at high welding speeds with low heat input and warping.

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