
Kundensegment Öl- & Gas-Raffination

Öl- & Gas-Raffination

Produktivität steigern & ökologischere Prozesse im Umgang mit Gas

Öl- & Gas-Raffination

Öl- & Gas-Raffination

Rohöl und Erdgas sind definitionsgemäß die Rohstoffe der Petrochemie. Dabei werden bereits bei der Gewinnung Inertgase wie N2 und CO2 im großen Stile eingesetzt. Der Verarbeitungsprozess von Rohöl umfasst mehrere Schritte um die gewünschten Endprodukte herzustellen. Auch hier werden bei vielen dieser Prozessschritte Gase von Messer eingesetzt.


Kontakt & Broschüre


Dr. Nina
van Gellecom
Manager Chemical applications
Senior Manager Chemical & Environmental applications

Andere Anwendungen, die für Sie interessant sein könnten


Dr. Nina
van Gellecom
Manager Chemical applications


null Diagram of a CryoGAN nitrogen generator

Diagram of a CryoGAN nitrogen generator

Powerful as a matter of principle Irrespective of their capacity, the basic principle is the same for all CryoGAN nitrogen generators and consists of the following components

VPSA ( just for draft) Air Compression and Purification Process air is cleaned from dust and other particles in an air filter and then compressed to the required process pressure by an air compressor. The compressed air is cooled in an air cooled refrigeration unit. Air purification: The process air passes through one of the vessels where water, carbon dioxide and most of the hydrocarbons are removed from the air system. Main Heat Exchanger The compressed, purified air passes directly to the main heat exchanger within the cold box where it is cooled close to saturation against the gaseous product and waste stream which are leaving the main heat exchanger. In counter-current flow to the incoming air, the cold separated products from the plant are warmed back to ambient temperature. Rectification: In the rectification column the air is separated into pure nitrogen at the top, and into an oxygen enriched liquid at the bottom. The required reflux for rectification is provided by condensing a portion of the gaseous nitrogen in heat exchange against boiling oxygen rich liquid in the condenser. Cold source: Liquid nitrogen from the LIN-assist tank is used to provide the required refrigeration. Back up: The presence of a backup system allows our client to continue working during preventive maintenance, equipment maintenance and possible force majeure situations. During such periods, the Customer will be supplied with Nitrogen through a back-up system. Our regional logistics network with centrally managed Europe-wide coordination, combined with sophisticated production planning, ensures that every single customer receives a reliable supply of technical gases from Messer, even during planned and unplanned downtimes

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Produktivitätssteigerung, Kapazitätssteigerung und ökologischere Prozesse mit Gase Know-how, Demonstration vor Ort & Prozessoptimierungen, Expertise & Know-how, Forschung & Entwicklung, Angebote & Umsetzung

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