revised_Application technology claus process in the Chemical sector

O2 for the Claus process

Debottlenecking & further advantages


By enriching with oxygen, the plant's capacity is significantly raised, in order to simultaneously meet the stricter requirements with regard to SO2 emissions with, at the same time, increases in the sulphur content of the raw materials. The use of oxygen can also lead to an increase in the reaction temperature which promotes the destruction of harmful nitrogen-containing by-products.


The use of nitrogen in "Sulphur Pit Degassing" is for safety purposes as it prevents the accumulation of toxic hydrogen sulphide in liquid sulphur as well as the formation of flammable hydrogen sulphide-air mixtures.


Significant increases in the acid gas throughput of existing plants/elimination of capacity bottlenecks with low investment expenditure
Flexible capacity increase, e.g. "Peak Cutting" in the summer time
Temperature increase for the destruction of harmful by-products
Flexibility with regard to the raw material qualities used, the possibility of processing the acid water stripping gas via the Claus plant

revised_Customer process claus process in the Chemical sector

Claus process (Sulfur Recovery, SRU)

Processing H2S rich gas streams

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